Sunday, January 10, 2016

1415 Concentrator Followup instructions

You need an Excel spreadsheet for this also. This was sent in an email on January 10, 2016

Follow-Up Report Instructions
The follow-up report is, hopefully, a conclusive list of all of the completers.  There are some that will be excluded because of the cohort year.  I will send you a list of those students very soon.  When submitting your list to me all you have to do is put an “x” under the appropriate column and supply the college name if the student is attending college or receiving advanced training.  The column to the far right (red heading) is replacing the old traditional form that we used for reporting.  In this column please include a date of contact and the source (such as self, friend, parent etc.) and any comments you need to make.  We will no longer use any previous forms.  You will also notice that not all students have an “Area of Concentration” this is something we need to work on this year.  The list you submit to me should be the list that you are receiving from me but completed by you.

To sort the list by course number for distribution to teachers do the following:
1.     Click on the “B” in column B and then select “Sort and Filter” (top right) and a drop down will appear, select “Filter” and you will see a drop down arrow appear on column B.
2.     Click on the drop down arrow in column B and you will see that all boxes are checked—click on “Select All” and the checks will disappear.
3.     Click on one (or more) course numbers to sort by individual areas.  Print these or save individually and e-mail to the teachers responsible for those areas. 
4.     To change the filter, just click on them again and the check mark will disappear.
5.     To remove the filter from the work book, be sure to “Select All” again so they will all appear and then click on “Filter” (top right).

Some schools volunteered to complete their follow-up report early and that is greatly appreciated!  Any school can submit early but please have approximately 85% of your data to do so.  All data is due by Feb. 1!